Hello! In this lesson, we’ll be talking about the importance of having a desire to see God’s kingdom advanced and how this motivates us to evangelize. We’ll also be discussing ways to cultivate the right motives as we prepare for soul winning. Let’s get started!
As followers of Christ, we are called to be ambassadors for His kingdom, bringing the good news of salvation to all nations and peoples. We know that evangelism is an essential part of our faith and mission as believers. In this lesson, we will focus on the importance of having a desire to see God’s kingdom advanced and how this motivates us to evangelize.
One of the primary reasons we should evangelize is that we want to see God’s kingdom advanced. As believers, we long to see His will done on earth as it is in heaven. When we evangelize, we bring the good news of salvation to those who have not yet heard it, and we help to expand the influence of God’s kingdom in the world.
We are not just seeking personal fulfillment or a sense of accomplishment when we evangelize. Our desire to see God’s kingdom advanced is about bringing glory to God and fulfilling His purposes in the world. This motivation should drive us to advance His kingdom by sharing the gospel with others.
The apostle Paul expressed this motivation in his ministry. In Romans 15:20, he said, “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.” Paul’s desire was to take the gospel to places where it had not yet been heard so that he could help advance God’s kingdom.
So, how can we cultivate the right motives as we prepare for soul winning?
One way is through prayer and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We can ask God to purify our motives and give us a heart for others. We can seek the wisdom of other believers and join a small group or Bible study to discuss soul winning and the motivations behind it.
Another way to cultivate the right motives is through studying the Bible and learning more about the heart of God. As we read about God’s love and mercy, it should inspire us to want to share that love with others. We can read passages such as John 3:16, Romans 5:8, and 1 John 4:19 to better understand the heart of God.
In conclusion, having a desire to see God’s kingdom advanced is a powerful motivator for evangelism. As we seek to advance His kingdom by sharing the gospel with others, we should cultivate the right motives through prayer, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and studying the Bible to better understand the heart of God.
Attempt the questions underneath this lesson to measure your comprehension before advancing to the next lesson.
- What is the driving force behind evangelism?
- Why should we desire to see God’s kingdom advance?
- How can prayer and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit help us cultivate the right motives for evangelism?
- How can studying the Bible help us understand the heart of God and inspire us to share His love with others?
- What is the ultimate goal of evangelism?